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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dynamics Crm Logo

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 2, 04:55 PM

    You seem to know your facts. I'd like to get your opinion:

    When do you think C2D will be in MBPs? On the 5th? 12th?

    I too hope there is an user removable HD.

    What are the odds that they will give us a 12'' option?

    I am asking all this becasue I would like a 12'', removable HD, C2D MBP before the free iPod offer expires. A 15'' would be fine too.

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  • Wilz
    Oct 27, 04:44 PM
    hahaha, Greenpeace kicked out

    I was at that expo all day today and they didn't turn up

    I got free google t-shirt :)

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  • nagromme
    Oct 12, 03:39 PM
    I'm saying that Africa will sort out it's own problems in time, when those individuals who recognize the problem for themselves get a voice. We can help, and every little bit helps, but it's not ours to fix. This is FAR FAR more complex and rooted than a kid who hurts his knee on a skateboard.
    I don't think anyone, from Bono to me, thinks red iPods are a complete solution. Of course complex problems have complex solutions. And yet programs like the ones Red supports--which are not limited to education--help.

    And speaking of cherrypicking, you left some things unaddressed :) I'm seeing a LOT more in your original post than just "we can't fix this alone." That much is true. But going on to say that Africans must be allowed to die so they can evolve and catch up is extreme and unreasonable.

    It's always nice to find a reason not to make something "my problem." That's a great feeling. But I think you have gone in a pretty bad "us and them" direction with that.

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 10, 10:28 AM
    Once again, all signs point towards that Conroe Mini-tower... :eek: ;) :D
    What mini-tower? ;)

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  • JMP
    Apr 30, 07:06 PM
    I love internet tough guys.

    That makes two of us.

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  • shecky
    Sep 14, 09:32 AM
    Photokina is a photo convention. Not a computer convention.

    yes, and photo software runs on computers. "This is the new Aperture. and it will run beautifully on the new C2D Macbook Pro I just announced. Boom. does this... Boom, does that...etc..."

    EDIT: iMeowbot beat me to it, but what he/she said

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  • cere
    Apr 14, 12:20 PM
    Might want to do a little research:

    Why? All that article says is manufacturers can add TB, not that the will.

    Everyone was free to add Firewire too. Look how well that went over.

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  • menziep
    Oct 27, 03:39 PM
    I support GreenPeace All the way!

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  • diamond.g
    Apr 22, 03:05 PM
    my point is that they stream from a location and aren't stored locally....
    they stream fine for me.

    because you are beholden to the content people for how long they want that content to be streamable. See loss of Dexter on Netflix as an example (or even the rolling expiration of movies).

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  • DotComName
    Apr 19, 09:22 AM
    obviously they will "respond strongly"....that's what people with expensive lawyers do... doesn't mean that Apple doesn't have the stronger case. Most people sue Apple (sometimes rightfully so), but in this case, it is undeniable that Samsung has hijacked Apple's intellectual property, MOST NOTABLY I THINK with the UI skin on their Android phones... Takes a triple take to realize that it's not stock iOS.

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  • danielwsmithee
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Those who don't want the superdrive have the option of an air. People in the music industry will always have a use for CD's. I just think no superdrive makes it an air varient not a pro.The optical drive doesn't make it "Pro" it makes it "outdated" and "unnecessary." If you need an optical drive by an external one, there is no need to hold up the majority that never use them.

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  • Eidorian
    Aug 28, 12:15 PM
    I think I'll just purchase a Core 2 Duo myself and drop it in my iMac.
    Conroe, right?Merom... (http://guides.macrumors.com/Merom)

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  • CplBadboy
    Apr 30, 01:21 PM
    Really do hope the option of a fully loaded iMac is well specced and not just the inclusion of TB and the processor. For the money Ill be spending Im expecting 8Gb RAM as standard and a rather meaty GPU. Roll on tuesday!

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  • Peace
    Sep 1, 10:54 AM
    Not sure if it's a typo or not but MacNN is saying Apple has confirmed a special event for Sept. 14th.


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  • llama-man
    Sep 6, 07:21 AM
    I have just had confirmation of one of our suppliers that new iMacs are on the way next week. He didn't elaborate on the details though.

    Next week is gonna be expensive.

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  • Macnoviz
    Sep 14, 10:03 AM
    Could they BE any more obvious ?

    still, hoping for Core 2 MBP, not for me, but for a friend and "co-worker"

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 27, 01:38 PM
    Also, thanks for the Apple environment link. Didn't know about the 10% discount on iPods when turning in an old one. With no educational discounts on iPods anymore, that's a pretty decent deal.

    Well, you can get a better deal by just selling an old one on ebay. But if you have an old one that doesn't work, there ya go.

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  • zap2
    Apr 10, 09:11 PM
    you guys do realize gas is like 9 dollars a gallon in europe right?

    Well with a minimum wage of 19 bucks I imagine it is not as much of any issue as it is in America. Plus European countries aren't nearly the size of the United States, so driving is done less.(also likely one of the reasons for less drinking and driving accidents and deaths...along with being introduced to drinking at a younger age in most countries there)

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  • longofest
    Oct 27, 07:44 AM
    An environmental activist group getting a little roudy at an expo? That's impossible!!! :rolleyes:

    Aug 31, 06:06 PM
    Are we going to have live MR Coverage of the event? :)

    It would be pretty awesome if they streamed it live to anyone with iTunes as either an audio or video cast.

    Mar 18, 04:10 PM
    If you said "not just" I might agree. But if you think keyboard capture code isn't being used for identity threat and/or want to lump anyone who has every run into such malware as "stupid" or "gullible" well my opinion of you just keeps dropping even lower. Perhaps I can interest you in some kryptonite Superman?
    Keyloggers are not malware, any more than a fork is a weapon. Can they both be used for malicious purposes? Yes. But that doesn't define them as such. And keyloggers require user intervention to install, or require the user giving access to someone else to install, either of which can easily be avoided.

    You still haven't presented one argument, even though you've been all over the map, that lends any credibility to the idea that running antivirus is necessary to keep Macs malware-free. The fact is, there is no Mac malware in the wild that can't be avoided with some common sense and prudent action on the part of the user. Nothing prevents a user from deliberately or foolishly installing malware or giving up their personal identity information, but that's not at issue here.

    The fact remains that any user of current Mac OS X who exercises reasonable care in what they install can operate without any antivirus and be malware free.

    Apr 22, 12:58 PM
    This may have been asked and answered before, but is the common belief that USB and Firewire will be completely gone soon? For example, my Macbook Air has room for only two ports - a mini-display drive, and a USB drive. Is the idea that the Thunderbolt drive will replace the USB, and that purchasers of the new Air will use an adapter of some sort for "old" USB peripherals moving forward?

    If Apple has this expectation, they had better at least sell an appropriate adapter/hub. I've long thought a thin, form-matching hub that connects to all of the ports on one side of an Apple portable would be a great idea. If Apple can make a 2- or even 3-port USB hub off of the Thunderbolt port (especially if a Mini Display-Port is also available) for ~$50, that would be golden for this type of MBA plan.

    Machead III
    Aug 31, 01:18 PM
    Let's face it, many people are already regularly downloading movies by nefarious means, and are perfectly happy waiting a couple of days to obtain a ~700mb file over the course of a few days.

    All Apple need to do is apply the same logic as they did to music, to movies. The situation is identical. People will pay for faster download times, previews, wider selections and peace of mind. You could easily get a movie into a good-enough-quality video file of around 800mb-1gb - sure, not VIDEO_TS quality, which is why they'd have to be a bit cheaper than retail DVDs. But it'd work, I know as a film maniac I'd use it pretty regularly.

    It may rely on a few extra things though. Let's say, a video iPod with a big capacity, maybe a new video file format (.avi is perfect but Apple obviously don't dig it) and IT HAS TO BE SAID bigger godamn hard drives in Apple portables.

    Even with a video iPod, a Movie Store is going to interest lappy users perhaps most of all, and the current 60gb standards in MacBook just doesn't cut it for ****.

    Mar 23, 05:15 PM
    The police should not be able to detain you without probable cause. PERIOD. If you are doing nothing wrong the cops should not stop you, EVER.
    This. Otherwise we live in the old USSR, where you are guilty until proven innocent.