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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

italy flag

italy flag. Italy Flag
  • Italy Flag

  • Laird Knox
    Mar 27, 01:38 AM
    OH noooos, you gots me theres. ;) It's not exactly easy to takes 'some' of me toys with me, but as a trade off I get an absolutely superior experience on all fronts. There are NO compromises to my controls. I get top notch visuals now that are much better than what can be done on dated consoles like the PS3 and 360, and at a much higher frame rate.

    I have an iPad, I'm getting an iPad 2 for compatibility testing. I have a great phone that's similar to my iPad performance wise -- which I can plug a Wiimote into and play a ton of old games. I have a DS and I'm getting a 3DS.

    I have portability for entertainment and there's nothing stoping me from bringing my PC, wheel, etc. to my friend's place, something I've done.

    Who care's if the future iPad is up to par with a 360 visually as an example, it will still be subpar compared to my PC now and chances are it will still lack proper inputs.

    If I wan to play a casual exploration game, a time killer, something that has fun direct interaction like World of Goo, I'll pull out my iPad. But for racing or any game that just plays better with a mouse, a wheel, a flightstick, and so on, I really can't care that my iPad or any future version is portable, if it makes playing these types of games lame.

    Oh yay! These forums attract the angry Microsoft supporters, Android yahoos and now the rabid gamers are feeling insecure. We should all petition Apple to stop making compelling devices!

    italy flag. Italian Flag over Vatican
  • Italian Flag over Vatican

  • apb3
    Aug 16, 10:56 AM
    Though what is stopping Apple limiting it so that iTMS purchases cannot be exchanged wirelessly between pods but your own non iTMS can?

    Ok thats not ideal for the music industry in terms of 'anti-piracy' but i'm sure if Apple could alleviate their fears that no iTMS music can be transfered then there is a good feature there for something like BT on your IPOD.....

    Or maybe they will do the rendevous of the IPOD world and you can listen to peoples music in the vicinity to you but cant keep it and hence this would drive up music sales for the record companies.

    My point was that if you could buy on the fly, they'd have to enable two way sync. Not gonna happen officially. The problem/concern would be you syncing w/ other iTunes libs (edit: and they're not just concerned about ITMS purchases. I rip a CD and "share" it with you, that's illegal and a loss of income /end edit), walking home and imorting to your lib. And I already said, I KNOW you can do it but it's a hack not an officially supported and endorsed Apple method.

    As far as sharing in your range. Again a waste of battery to support this. I have what I wnat ton hear for the most part. I don't much care to drain my battery searching other users' libs (that will come and go as they wander around and in and out of range - oh great, I found a cool Streets video I don't have!! Oh wait he just left range!!!), it's short-lived enough already.

    italy flag. flash,italian flag italy
  • flash,italian flag italy

  • bushido
    Apr 26, 02:21 PM
    well we all know who really controls the goverment and everyone involved ... companies. so whoever throws more money at them is obvs gonna win

    italy flag. Italian+flag+pictures
  • Italian+flag+pictures

  • Lifequest
    Apr 2, 07:47 PM
    I'll "believe" when they fix the currently unresolved and widespread quality control issues...light bleed on virtually every unit and blemishes, dents and scratches on units straight out of the box.

    Fix those issues, Apple, and then I will "believe" enough to get an iPad 2.

    Oh dear. How is Stevie going to sleep at night knowing that one potential customer is still on the fence...:rolleyes:

    Frankly, they don't give two animal-faecal-secretions about whether you buy it or not.

    italy flag. Italy Flag Pyramid Studded
  • Italy Flag Pyramid Studded

  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 11:11 AM
    6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950!

    For heavens sake give it a nice GPU!!!!!!!!:eek:

    italy flag. India-Italy
  • India-Italy

  • KingSleaze
    Apr 8, 09:59 AM
    For example, Apple had to make Safari due to Microsoft pulling out of the mac.
    And there I thought that Microshaft stopped development of Internet Exploder for the Mac because Apple released Safari. Which happened first?

    italy flag. flag
  • flag

  • atticus18244fsa
    Mar 22, 10:52 PM
    lots, Bluetooth, WIFI (for internet radio), design..

    Here's my classic mockup


    I would buy this if it was 220gb. Great mockup

    italy flag. Crossed-Flag-Pins Italy
  • Crossed-Flag-Pins Italy

  • Stridder44
    Nov 27, 02:13 PM
    Or get an iMac...:p

    Haha seriously, I don't get it either. You could totally get a low end iMac for the combined price of a 17" Apple monitor and a Mac mini.

    Hi, my name is Joe and I'm sitting in front of a 30" ACD and I have a 22" ACD beside me. And I'm typing this from home.

    I would rather see Apple lower the price of the 20" and keep all of their displays at 20" and higher.

    I agree. I have an old 17" iMac (at least mines widescreen and none of this 4:3 crap), and I couldn't see going any lower. Consumer or not, it makes more sense to lower the current monitors (starting from the 20") and keeping things that way. Besides, knowing Apple, they'll charge $599 or something crazy for a 17" monitor anyway...

    italy flag. stock vector : Italy flag +
  • stock vector : Italy flag +

  • puckhead193
    Apr 12, 10:45 PM
    So now the question is do I still need to transcode to pro res my avchd footage :rolleyes::confused:

    italy flag. Italian Flag Icon Royalty Free
  • Italian Flag Icon Royalty Free

  • imac_japan
    Apr 6, 10:54 AM
    Next Commodore 64? You know Commodore started selling computers after Apple, sold fewer computers than Apple, and is gone, right? Why the Hell do you want Apple to be anything like Commodore?

    Because the Commodore 64 sold better than anything Apple has built and it was cheap !! It was a computer for the masses....

    Thats what Apple needs.....All this Apple makes the best computers etc etc debate is pointless...

    They may be making money but the mac is not spreading...the ipod is ! Apple needs to push both lines

    italy flag. ITALY FLAG 3ft x 2ft
  • ITALY FLAG 3ft x 2ft

  • andrew.gw
    Apr 3, 10:02 AM
    What does the iOS scrollbar look like on pages with a black background?

    italy flag. ITALY FLAG!

  • ezekielrage_99
    Oct 23, 09:58 AM
    So Macbooks next tuesday :confused:

    italy flag. Italy Flag
  • Italy Flag

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 26, 02:22 PM
    At the end of the day, I believe this is going to court.

    I think the heart of the case will be hinged on proving if "app store" and/or "appstore" was in common use before apple applied for the TM. It does not matter in the least what "app" is short for, or what it means, or who used it for what. Only "appstore" or "app store."

    If they were to concede it was unique, but argue that it is NOW generic, I'd think they'd lose, (because Amazon and Microsoft seem to be ones generalizing it.)

    Microsoft already made their opposition known in the USPTO's opposition phase for Apple's trademark application. This will go to court sooner than Amazon/Apple does.

    italy flag. Flag Italy for colouring by
  • Flag Italy for colouring by

  • rmhop81
    Sep 7, 05:41 PM
    well the problem is that sub accounts cannot exist without the main account and main account has to be renewed every year. so this essentially means i cannot use family pack by myself for 5 years.
    i never said that u could go 5 years off one family pack. i simply posted those bc people were complaining about apple's price....newegg is cheaper so order from there for the exact same product....

    italy flag. Italian Flag iPod touch Skin
  • Italian Flag iPod touch Skin

  • CFreymarc
    Apr 2, 08:21 PM
    I really like this ad. Maybe this will be the new direction of Apple's marketing?

    Apple was one of the first to proclaim that technology is a means to your jobs and not the job itself. The world uses tools that engineers make for a purpose and not having the hotted box out there.

    To use the automotive analogy, we are out of the muscle car era and moving into a market where functionality overrides hardcore specs. This also makes the jobs of an engineer much more difficult since customer demands are now more intangible.

    italy flag. Crossed-Flag-Pins Italy Peru
  • Crossed-Flag-Pins Italy Peru

  • Millah
    Apr 27, 01:03 AM
    Here's a brilliant idea... only people who have actually gone through the trademark process should continue to comment.
    Having been through it twice, I can tell you that it's not a walk in the park.
    There is nothing cut and dry about any of it.
    Your success depends just as much on your prep work as it does on the examining lawyer from the USPTO side.
    Fortunately we had a great lawyer working with us from the USPTO.

    I got one approved for my wife's company name, and lost the other trademark application for of all things, being descriptive.
    We knew the second was a long shot, but had to try.

    Yep. Its incredibly annoying hearing all the "experts" on the internet try to grossly oversimplify the matter. Oh well.

    italy flag. VERSIONE ITALIANA.

  • BeefUK
    Aug 24, 06:13 PM
    I hope this means they'll update the Macbooks too, mac mini with Core 2 Duo and not in the macbook would be strange!!!

    I can understand the macbook pro being updated on it's own but the mini???

    italy flag. Italian flag was adopted
  • Italian flag was adopted

  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 11:56 AM
    Just because 256 is 'perfect' for you does not mean it is perfect for everyone else. I need 500GB SSD. External drive solutions are just way to slow compared to internal SSD. The SSD upgrade on my Laptop was the best upgrade ever, now I want an 27'' iMac with 500GB SSD and lots of memory.

    500GB of SSM ? Holey Moley Daddy Warbucks.

    PS: you should check out the new PCI SSD (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227581), when they start making external PCI enclosures for "ThunderCat"...youll be golden buddy:)

    italy flag. stock vector : Italy flag
  • stock vector : Italy flag

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 4, 08:07 PM
    Don't worry - by the time your Golf dies you can get a new one, and maybe by then they'll be selling the Golf GTD (http://www.insideline.com/volkswagen/golf/2010/2010-volkswagen-golf-gtd-first-drive.html) over here.

    Nov 15, 08:37 AM
    Perhaps this would allow me to play a large map on Civ4 without the terrible huge long pauses...

    Oct 24, 02:43 AM
    I'll spend my life waiting. So will you?:) Should be the new Apple slogan.:)

    Mar 24, 02:51 PM
    So, without using the supplied windows CD/Driver I can simply plug n' play the 5870 intom my 2009 MacPro and it work?! Heck, if you have done it without issues, then I'm tempted.
    Ask for some more info on the Mac Pro board (http://forums.macrumors.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1) or use the search function on MacRumors. My knowledge on it is fairly limited.

    Apr 23, 06:53 PM
    If it's all just speculation, why be so quick to shout "privacy invasion" when you don't know the full story? It can't be one rule for you and another for everyone else.

    The technical explanation from an Apple engineer will probably be the best explanation we'll see - Apple's PR rarely go into technical details on such matters. Anntenna-gate has been the only exception to that rule I can think of.

    I'm not the one being quick to shout privacy invasion, it was on every tv news channel and news site. Somebody thinks it's a big deal. Now Apple brass is in damage control mode and must come up with some type of answer to appease the public.

    Mar 31, 12:12 AM
    It's not an update, you have to get a new code and redeem it.

    Can you only get one code per dev account? What if I want to install on multiple computers?