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Saturday, May 21, 2011

justin bieber my world tour 2011 uk

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  • WilliamG
    Sep 14, 02:20 PM
    Does Consumer Reports stop recommending automobile purchases? Because you know if there is an issue with a car, the manufacturer will issue a recall. If you are affected, you have to take it into a dealer where it will be fixed. The onus is on the owner of the car, for crying out loud! The auto manufacturers should go house to house providing the fix for free to all cars, whether their owners report a problem or not!

    Wait, you mean Consumer Reports does not hold the auto manufacturers to the same artificial standard they hold Apple to? How amazing...

    Well, if a car made phone calls and was... you know... a phone, that would be different.

    I think Consumer Reports are dead on in not recommending the iPhone 4. And take that from someone who loves his iPhone 4.

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  • Farns514
    Jan 5, 06:12 PM
    With or without integrated M249s? :D

    2011 Subaru Legacy. Our first Subaru. So impressed we're selling the other cars and buying a 2011 Outback for my wife!


    It's not a fancy looking car, in fact it looks easily can be mistaken for any other boring sedan from GM/Ford/Toyota/Honda/Nissan.

    Im jealous, im regretting not getting a Subaru Legacy. I got a 2010 Ford Fusion, should have got the legacy for the good looks and the AWD.

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  • FFTT
    Nov 23, 06:30 AM
    I think what I said about software developers catching up has merit.

    It's not just the pro applications themselves that need to catch up to
    take advantage of multi-core architecture, but also all those very important

    This especially holds true in audio recording software with some critical plug-in developers still struggling to catch up to universal binary versions of their software.

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  • DMann
    Jan 13, 01:38 PM
    Air = composed of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, trace gases.

    So the 4 products are

    Macbook NITRO
    Macbook OXYO
    Macbook C02
    Macbook GAS

    not to mention:

    MacBook OZONE
    MacBook CO (monoxide)
    MacBook ARGON
    MacBook METHANE
    MacBook HYDROGEN
    MacBook XENON
    MacBook NEON
    MacBook KRYPTON

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  • puckhead193
    Apr 12, 10:45 PM
    So now the question is do I still need to transcode to pro res my avchd footage :rolleyes::confused:

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  • 0815
    Apr 19, 01:16 PM
    You still use a 233 Mhz iMac G3?

    That's impressive.

    ooops, I meant first generation INTEL iMac.

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  • theBB
    Jul 18, 12:18 PM
    You cannot rent an HD movie from Blockbuster or Netflix, so what makes you think "Apple has to offer HD quality". There is no need to have better quality than competitors while also providing more convenience.

    What is so wrong about stereo sound? A lot of people use the speakers of their TVs for the sound of a movie. Most movie do not really take advantage of sourround sound that much, where you feel like the sound is coming from the left or from behind etc. You might as well use your 5 speakers in stereo mode.

    $2 per rental ain't gonna happen. That's a pipedream. If movie indutry is licensing movies to Movielink for $4-5, it is not gonna let Apple do this for much lower prices. At that price it would be much more expensive than Netflix and with a much smaller library, so my subscription will have to stay. I can only use Apple's service as an add-on, when I really want to watch a movie, but Netflix DVD is still in the mail. Besides, I would have to get a Mac mini for the living room. Well, the cost just keeps adding up.

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  • W1MRK
    Apr 21, 11:14 AM
    This really is not a issue in my opinion. Smart phones have tons of data stored on them and if its really not being sent, whats the harm. If someone were to get my phone and read my info, they will be as excited as I used to be in PE class. First the DUI checkpoints now this. Is there something more important for them to look into? Like a Budget and ( insert concern here ) :)

    Now if your a bad boy or girl, I can see this becoming a Court Evidence Issue in the near future. But until then, remember the NSA scans calls randomly for "our safety" Bigger issues than this in the world of privacy.

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  • GeekOFComedy
    Jun 23, 12:09 AM
    Current Mac computers running on Intel Chipset, Running OS X then dashboard with emulating Apple A4 Processor. As all macs nearly have 4GB of ram 512MB taken out for dashboard isn't bad when you quit said dashboard it stops emulating A4 and 512MB The iMac can be touchscreen. The Other macs can operate iOS4 with it's either mouse or remember the rumor for the trackpad media device. They could operate iOS4 on Mac minis and Mac Pros with that device and for the MacBooks operate it on the magic trackpad

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  • andrew.gw
    Apr 1, 06:15 PM
    Mail now shows "No Message Selected", which is much nicer than the empty white area from the last version; "Mail Activity" looks nicer as well. I've also noticed that the "Noteworthy" font from iOS 4.3 is present in this version of Lion.

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  • Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 11:31 AM
    I just saw this and though it was pretty interesting:

    Sony also introduced their own small-format 90.0 � 94.0 mm disk, similar to the others but somewhat simpler in construction than the AmDisk. The first computer to use this format was the HP-150 of 1983, and Sony also used them fairly widely on their line of MSX computers. Other than this the format suffered from a similar fate as the other new formats; the 5�-inch format simply had too much market share. Things changed dramatically in 1984 when Apple Computer selected the format for their new Macintosh computers. By 1989 the 3�-inch was outselling the 5�-inch.

    Here is the source:
    Sony's 3.5" Floppy Disk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floppy_drive#The_3.C2.BD-inch_microfloppy_diskette)

    Yeah, but wasn't that also when Apple had something like 50% of the consumer market share. I mean... I think its a very different situation even if its the same names.

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  • maverick808
    Oct 24, 06:16 AM
    The only stores I found still up were the US and Canada

    US and Canada always go down last, they should be down in the next 10 minutes or so.

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  • el-John-o
    Nov 30, 08:02 AM
    The only thing that bugs me, is that I quite believe that iOS fakes cell reception. For example, having a FULL 3G signal could be anywhere from 500k-2mbps, where my old phone, aircard, others peoples phones, show 1-2 bars, maybe 3. I get the same speeds with it as I do with my aircard in particular places, but the iPhone shows a stronger signal?

    So while it appears to have better reception, I don't think it actually does.

    That said, I've never dropped a call. It's definitely no worse than any other device, I just don't think it reports accurately.

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  • Doctor Q
    Jul 18, 02:46 PM
    Movies will have a limited number of plays, rather than a limited number of time to view. Or, alternately, you will pay-per-view (literally).I rarely watch a movie exactly once straight through from start to finish. I might back up to see a scene again, skip the boring parts where there are no car chases or spy gadgets, pause to answer the phone and then back up because I missed a few seconds, stop because it's been 15 minutes and I feel the need to visit MacRumors and then start again the next day because I forgot I hadn't finished the movie, watch the opening scenes again after the final credits because it's fun after you know secrets you learn later in the movie, and so on.

    So what constitutes "one play" of a movie?

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  • daneoni
    Jan 11, 09:04 PM
    The only reason i can see it being called Air is because its all wireless....i.e. it connects to its Docking station wirelessly via Ultrawideband wireless USB (which would also connect the External Optical), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc

    I still call BS though.

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  • apple-science
    Jul 19, 05:15 PM
    Would be interesting to see the trajectory of sales. Jobs usually shows such a graph at the keynotes - anyone got the data to post to see if the trend is slowing and by how much?

    It's remarkable that iPods are still selling so well given the stale refresh rate. Still, Microsoft would love a piece of 8.1 million sales for Zune.....

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    Jan 11, 07:59 PM
    added a line to the article...

    "- It will be called the MacBook Air"


    worst-name-ever. i hope that it's anything but "macbook air"

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  • Clive At Five
    Nov 28, 10:37 AM
    Microsoft lost billions on the Xbox and likely to lose hundreds of millions on their Zune attempt. iPod sales have been profitable for Apple since their introduction. How one measures success in this industry can't always be marketshare.

    Yes, the XBox was sold at a loss, but now they are a powerful and permanent player in the multi-billion-dollar gaming console industry. They'll make back their billions by the time "XBox 2πr" comes out.

    The Zune is a different story:

    [Zune] will have to win on features and integration -- so they are pretty much doomed. They have essentially bet the whole farm on the wireless exchange.

    Nail on head, my friend. Nail on head.

    See ya later, Zune.


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  • DanChosich
    Oct 23, 06:12 PM
    Could he (your contact in the AS) have been anymore vague? Could it not simply be that he frequents the same websites we all do and noticed the increased MMBP chatter, or that his colleagues or perhaps the customers have brought the subject up. It doesn't take an "inventory control specialist" working in an Apple store to make that sort of prediction, these forums alone are proof of that.

    I'm not saying you're making it all up, it's just I would have thought someone in a position like that would be able to provide some substance to backup such claims.

    I, like the majority, hope he's right though.

    I completely agree. I think it's lame how vague it is. I would love to say "full laptop refresh tomoroow." But I don't know what is happening, all I know is what I told you. I thought it was worth sharing that he said something is definitely happening tomorrow. He never went out of his way to do that before, I wish it was more specific. :-/ Sorry.

    Sep 1, 01:48 PM
    One more thing... they'll change the name from iMac to Mac, bringing a perfect symmetry to their product line-up:

    Mac Pro

    MacBook Pro

    Definitely not. There's too much branding in the iMac name. For consumers, it means ease and simplicity with power and looks. Additionally, just calling it Mac would be confusing for everyone, especially when they ask what kind of mac you own?

    "I own a Mac."
    "Yeah? What kind?"
    "A Mac."
    "I know. You just said that. But what kind of mac?"
    "A Mac. You know. A Mac."
    "I'm going to kill you now, sir."

    Sep 16, 10:11 PM
    Got these from eBay for $1 each, good quality.
    Link (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290471004347&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_3465wt_913)

    It now says that the seller is away until September 29. :(

    Feb 28, 03:43 PM
    How do i get that screensaver on my MBP



    Mar 19, 10:31 AM
    Does this count for the Apple Death Knell Counter? Maybe if they counted all the signatures someone would finally break Rob Enderle's record.... :rolleyes:

    Dell has the market cornered in cheaper computers, so much so that they are the only PC maker still pulling in a profit doing it. Apple can't compete with Dell there, and it would be foolish of them to put even a dollar of their R & D money towards trying.

    Not everyone will shell out the money for an Alienware system either, and their marketshare is also a fraction of the overall PC industry, but no one's saying they should sell cheaper computers or die. Get a grip. There's room for the smaller players here.

    Sep 7, 10:22 AM
    order it from newegg! $20 cheaper


    or get the family pack. only $45 more than what apple wants for the cheap single license haha


    i don't think buying family pack for .Mac gives you 5 licenses. i think it's more like spliting one .mac account to 5.