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Saturday, May 21, 2011

justin bieber pictures to print

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  • tekmoe
    Aug 28, 12:25 PM
    A week Tuesday, a week Tuesday! I just put my mini on eBay and I'll get a good chunk less if they update them tomorrow! I thought the original rumour said after Labor day which is next week isn't it?

    the rumor was a huge shipment from the far east was expected to arrive on US soil on sept 5th...

    things change...

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  • thworple
    Oct 27, 09:52 AM
    Dude, it's a MacWorld convention, not an environmental love-in. GP needs to get their own convention. They were on private property - the conf organizers have the right to do what they want. Never mind their rights, huh?

    Hmmmm, so what you're saying is that a quiet protest (which as an eye-witness I can say this was!!) about a subject they feel strongly about isn't allowed at certain conventions because of the political orientation of the people in charge.

    The whole point of the MacExpo is to show the services that Apple and its Third-Party agents can supply to the public. I don't see what the harm is in advertising what they DON'T offer (ie:- in the opinion of Greenpeace - a sound environmental agenda) at the same time.

    I'm not going to side with any particular viewpoint about Apple's "green policy" here, as I simply have not read enough about it to convey an honest and balanced opinion. however I do feel that it is within Greenpeace's right to advertise the issues they feel strongly about in an orderly manner (which as far as I'm concerned they did on Thursday!).

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  • CylonGlitch
    Nov 13, 02:39 PM
    Obviously the images are copyrighted by Apple, and those images they don't want people using. Ok, well, that is their rights, they designed them and copyrighted them. Either they have to license those images from Apple (which I doubt Apple would do) or make their own. Just like every other copyright, you don't have the right to breech. If Apple doesn't defend their copyright, then they can lose it, so they HAVE to fight for it.

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  • cmaier
    Nov 13, 05:26 PM
    Well that might a the case in your situation but it this case Rogue Amoeba is using Apple's own copyright images in a client server application where the API on OS X does not confer the right to use those images on other devices by third party developers.

    You're missing the point. Yes, Apple, as the copyright holder, can define the extent of its license (assuming they haven't already waived the right to do so, which they may have, and assuming it isn't fair use, which it almost certainly is), and, yes, they can decide what goes into the app store, making the extent of the copyright license moot.

    But it doesn't make sense for them to do so! Integration between iphone and mac would only sell more of each. They don't lose money on this sort of use of the icons - it's not like they offer a paid license for those images.

    There is no duty to police copyrights to avoid losing them.

    And, there is no rational alternative to using those icons (despite your repeated "all they had to do is create their own icons" argument) because Apple is likely to turn around and assert trademark/trade dress.

    So all you can do is use words, or images unrelated to the appearance of the machines being represented. If the words say "Macbook Pro," e.g., APple can turn around and say you can't do THAT, either, because that's a trademark. If your handmade image looks too much like a mac, that's trademark infringement too (according to Apple). So you have to make it NOT look like the thing it represents. That totally defeats the POINT of the images in this use.

    It's like having to write an article in a newspaper reviewing a concert without mentioning the name of the band or the names of any of the band members.

    And Apple is doing it for absolutely no good reason.

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  • MacCheetah3
    Apr 11, 05:10 PM
    I didn't know it was possible to use Home Sharing to play music simultaneously between several Macs - care to tell how? (not being sarcastic, just curious)
    Not simultaneous control like AirTunes. You can stream to multiple computers, but it will need to be controlled separately -- as far as I know.

    I can't think of a good reason to stream strictly audio to multiple computers, even if each is connected to speakers. Seems very clumsy to me, and you'd be better off getting an Airport Express ($69 refurbished (http://store.apple.com/us/product/FB321LL/A?mco=MTY3ODQ5OTY)) for each speaker system or getting AirPlay-supported speakers.

    WiFi2HiFi (http://www.wifi2hifi.com) takes the AirTunes idea beyond iTunes, however, it's only to an iDevice, not a computer.

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  • linux2mac
    Apr 28, 10:34 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)
    MS is riding the coattails of their universal licensing racket........

    "Racket" is the best word to describe it. I spent thousands on Microsoft and never received a quality product after almost two decades. Shame on them.

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  • jaw04005
    Nov 14, 08:01 PM
    I�m not sure if anyone�s mentioned it yet, but Rogue Amoeba has posted an update that explicitly explains the API calls and what�s actually going on. It�s not just Apple�s icons that are in play here.

    None of these icons are shipped in our apps

    On the iPhone side, Airfoil Speakers Touch just displays a generic �album art� image that comes from Airfoil. On the Airfoil side, both the Mac image and the application icon are fetched using public Cocoa APIs.

    The call we use to fetch the computer image is [NSImage imageNamed: NSImageNameComputer]. Behind the scenes, the system has a store of machine icons stored away in the /System directory, and matches up your computer�s model identifier with their artwork to return an icon.

    The call we use to get the target application�s icon is -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:], which can be used to obtain the icon for any file on the system. Applications such as the Finder would use this call to display the icons of files and applications on the hard drive when browsing its contents.

    The code is not specifically designed to send Apple�s icons

    The code is fully generic and simply sends the icon of whatever application the user chooses on the Mac side. Apple applications are popular audio sources for Airfoil, but it�s entirely possible to send third-party applications like Firefox, Spotify, Last.fm, our own Pulsar, and others, and many users do just that.


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  • floam
    Aug 29, 12:36 AM

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  • iMacZealot
    Sep 15, 09:13 PM
    If, for example, someone is using Verizon Wireless, would the Apple Phone work for them? In other words, how "universal" would this phone truly be? Would it be able to compete in international markets?

    (edited: clarification)

    There are two main types of cell phone system: CDMA and GSM. The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) was created in France throughout the 80's and the EU endorsed it as their official system, which caused it to spread globally. Meanwhile, across the pond, we were sitting on our little keisters and our brick analog phones and then a company called Quallcomm decided to do something six years after GSM had publically been out and they created a popular version of CDMA. CDMA is currently used by Sprint and Verizon (and I think a few Canadian carriers) and is pretty much only existent here in America. GSM is present in 78% of the world's markets.

    With that said, GSM phones will not work on CDMA networks and vice versa. If Apple does make a phone, I think it would be GSM in order to capture most of the international market as well as the US. CDMA is very limited because it is not used anywhere besides a few carriers here in America.

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  • iMacZealot
    Sep 14, 02:09 AM
    I bought a XDA II PDA phone TWO or Three years ago already have WiFI.

    I should have said anything with Windows that's a phone. But that's my point: basically, the only types of phones that have Wifi in them are some "mobile" windows devices.

    Happy Now? :)

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  • sam10685
    Sep 10, 08:58 AM
    My nano is already on eBay awaiting a nice metal clad 8GB version, I hope they do an andonised black one though to match my other gadgets.

    wow. your rather optimistic. hope everything works out for you.

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  • justin bieber pics to print.

  • Machead III
    Aug 29, 04:31 AM
    I imagine Santa Rosa would be long gone by summer '08.

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  • technicolor
    Sep 12, 03:35 PM
    Either the video playback code was improved to be less power hungry (maybe it uses less CPU, maybe it doesn't need to spin the disk as much), or an improved video chip was put in which uses less power.
    Thanks for that explanation.

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  • bdj21ya
    Sep 15, 05:51 PM
    I hear that in Japan 6 to 7 megapixels is more common for the phones.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Sep 5, 12:28 AM
    I really doubt that Apple will put a TV tuner in this thing (if it's real). Think about it -

    Point 1 - If Apple puts a tuner in then they have to deal with the myriad of different types of TV.

    Point 2 - THEY SELL TV SHOWS!

    Does Steve want you to Tivo the new episode of "The Office" on your "MediaMac/Airport Express Video/Super iPod" or does he want you to come to the iTunes store and download it for $2? Apple, despite most of our (including my own) beliefs is a business and they have to think of the $$$ first.

    Why give something away when you can make money off it? That's still my theory as to why the mini didn't have a tuner from the start.

    Yeah there's very little point to add something to your product lines which will compete with your existing products/services unless you are going for full market control aka De Beers.

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  • justin bieber pics to print.

  • LaMerVipere
    Sep 5, 07:44 PM
    I agree with everyone here who says that when Apple starts their own movie store they should also release a new Application along with it.

    Playing video in iTunes is pretty bad.

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  • law guy
    Sep 11, 08:38 PM
    This is huge news. Where is everybody?!? :confused:

    Am I the only one here who thinks this is gigantic news? I can hear a pin drop. The stunned silence is deafening. :eek: ;)

    I agree - this is really something. As has been noted, it's just huge the increase in a short amount of time - the original Core release was only a short while back, then Core 2 Duo - which just made it into the iMacs - and now the Core 2 Quad release date of Mid-October! The pace is just astounding.

    Not only that, but as Arn and others note, the Quad Xeons are on the way as well. So, there is the path for 8 core Mac Pros in the very near future.

    Quad core iMacs, 8 core PMs (opps, I mean Mac Pros) - oh my.

    This amazing chip release rate - and significant increases each - will really put Apple to the test in terms of updating products quickly to stay competitive in terms of hardware release. In the past, Apple had to deal with chip upgrades so infrequently. It's a great problem to have, I suppose.

    I also echo the comments above re: isn't this the kind of thing that makes you glad Apple switched to Intel? Absolutely.

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  • bloodycape
    Jul 16, 03:33 AM
    1st of all I said Apple not IBM or AMD. AMD is going to get a through ass kicking for the next 12-18 months till K8L comes out. The Turion X2 is a flop(that's also 6 months late) It's so bad for AMD that they are practically having a fire sale on X2/A64's come the 24th. Let's not even go there with IBM they are too busy making toy CPU's for M$ , and talk about the nightmare IBM/Sony are having with the Cell yields(what are they like 20-30%).lol:D
    I got do a firmware upgrade and get on that X2 sales action. I just hope it will be fairly priced like the non X2's.

    Opps forgot to post the cnet review. http://reviews.cnet.com/Dell_XPS_700_Intel_Core_2_Extreme_X6800/4505-3118_7-31972975.html?tag=cnetfd.sd

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  • Stridder44
    Apr 14, 11:56 AM
    I think my next computer will be an Ivy Bridge MBA with Thunderbolt. My 2007 Macbook is getting a bit long in tooth.

    Same thoughts here. My early '08 MBP is starting to really show its' age (especially its' 8600M GT).

    Thank goodness Intel will be supporting USB3 for our peripherals.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one here who is barely tolerating the mouse and keyboard lag from the slower USB2 port.

    You know that hard drives and other devices see a nice speed gain wi-- never mind, I know you must be joking and know the real benefits of USB 3.

    Now that it's part of the platform Apple has no excuse for not including it. However, it wouldn't surprise me to see a MBP with this platform that still only has 2.0 connectors.

    Heh, that is totally something Apple would manage to do.

    "But sir, we can't remove it, it's built into the chipset itself..."
    "I don't care, damn it. Re-solder an older chipset on to it then."
    "But..." *head asplodes*

    May 3, 07:49 PM
    I'm thinking of a 3-monitor gaming/sim setup. No desk - think cockpit.

    iRacing with Bootcamp and x-plane should be amazing w/ this set-up ;-)

    Oh, yeah, and FCP and Aperture of course... This will be for work.. honest!

    Sep 14, 09:32 AM
    Macbook Pro's and photographers fits perfectly imo, I can't see why some of you think hardware for photographers is unlikely..

    Apr 20, 10:44 AM
    So how would I go about encrypting this backup file on my Mac?

    1. Connect to iTunes on your laptop/desktop.
    2. Go to your iPhone in the list under devices in iTunes page.
    3. Under "Options" choose Encrypt iPhone backup.

    Don't rely on encryption to protect you in any way. The police can crack it, as can hackers, and they can simply demand with a court order that you give them the password. Then you're forced to essentially testify against yourself. No, pleading the 5th won't help.

    Good luck to you remembering where you were at any any time up to a year ago, I couldn't. Just remove the info on a regular and frequent basis, Phoneview or similar should find the files on the phone itself for you to remove.

    Apr 20, 10:52 AM
    strange, I'm currently in Las Vegas according to this app, I've never been to LV in my life. It does however accurately give a tracking of my phone at home in the UK and my trip to East Coast of USA last year.

    Mar 29, 12:53 PM
    What I don't get is....

    Nokia = looser in smart phone market.
    Microsoft = looser in smart phone OS market.

    So... Looser + Looser = Winner?

    I know Nokia has a huge installed base of feature phones, but they're going to have to really step it up to catch up in the smart phone market. Even the old #1 guys (RIM) can't keep up with iOS and Android.

    No. Looser and looser = extra extra baggy! :D