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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

long hairstyles with bangs

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  • Peace
    Aug 31, 01:51 PM
    LONDON,why would they do it in London? obviously so that tv shows and films to be made availble to all of europe except for France. Its so simple. I cant wait. And films in USA of course. Thats whats gonna happen. Its soooo obvious.

    Come on top gear on itunes.

    Apple did this same thing before.Streaming it to London..If I recall it was the Front Row type invitation broadcast from a theatre..
    Anybody remember that ?

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  • Doctor Q
    Aug 23, 06:10 PM
    You seem to be unfamiliar with our court system. This case could have dragged on for YEARS, and cost Apple a TON of money--possibly far more than 100 Million.I know the bills add up quickly, but just how much does an active case cost? That's a lot of zeroes!

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  • QCassidy352
    Sep 9, 11:10 AM
    With the decent graphics and these C2D's they make the iMac a formiddable machine. Alot of PowerMac's are going to be replaced by these new iMac's i feel. Probably Apple's most impressive, solid and reliable machine at the moment

    No one who needs powerful graphics could go for anything except maybe the 24". The x1600 is pretty low-end for a mid-range desktop by now, and the nvidea 7600 is not bad but certainly not a powerhouse. And why would you say that the imacs are more "impressive, solid, and reliable" than the mac pros? Better values, maybe, but more impressive, solid, and reliable? :confused:

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  • ripfrankwhite
    Sep 5, 01:15 PM
    The planets are aligning.This IS the big one!

    *(fingers crossed)* Oh, please, oh please, oh please...:D

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  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 25, 06:24 AM
    The simple fact is that I should not have to obey a 70mph speed limit if I don't want to. Why would I even bother driving a car that can hit 186mph (with the speed governor removed, with the governor top speed is 155mph) at 70 mph? A Ford Fiesta can hit those speeds, what's the point of fast cars if you're going to follow the speed limit in them?



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  • Spanky Deluxe
    Aug 28, 12:22 PM
    A week Tuesday, a week Tuesday! I just put my mini on eBay and I'll get a good chunk less if they update them tomorrow! I thought the original rumour said after Labor day which is next week isn't it?

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  • aristotle
    Nov 13, 11:26 PM
    Not quite. There are at least two other options. Fair use, and exhaustion/implied license/first sale doctrine.

    The use is almost certainly fair use, and Apple's rights may very well be exhausted under the first sale doctrine. It's a thorny question of law since there is nothing in the Mac OS license that makes it clear what you can do with those icons. Apple would have been better off putting something in the development agreement about not being able to use representations of Macs, etc. But they didn't.

    So your argument is that since a court of law would find this to be copyright infringement, it's covered by the development agreement.

    My opinion, as an I.P. lawyer, is that it's not at all clear that it's copyright infringement, that most people would think it probably isn't, and that therefore the development agreement does not at all clearly forbid this sort of thing.

    P.S.: You're saying developers just need to read the agreement. I'm saying they need to read the agreement, go to law school, and guess how Apple will interpret the facts.
    Which law firm please. We'd all like to know for future reference, who to not trust our cases with. While most law has to do with the letter of the law, jury trials often are won or lost based on what the jury believes to be the intent or spirit of the law.

    The british common law legal system was never intended to be like this. The lawyers have destroyed and twisted it beyond all recognition. It was originally supposed to be based on judeo-christian morals and ethics. There is not supposed to be a grey area. You are either deliberately infringing on the rights of others or you are not. The original intent was to have a court case as the last resort where parties would first try to solve the problem by talking to each other, then go to arbitration and then court as a last resort.

    Screenshots on other sites show airflow displaying a Firefox icon. That icon is definitely not covered any implied license through use of the API on the mac. Care to explain that to us Mr. Lawyer?

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  • Mattsasa
    Apr 30, 06:46 PM
    Well it's old but it still surpasses an awful lot of modern games. Plus the worlds are open, more beautiful and more demanding than all this Call of Duty stuff that's popular at the moment.

    I agree, far better looking and beautiful, however not as cpu/gpu demanding

    long hairstyles with bangs. long hairstyle with angs
  • long hairstyle with angs

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 11, 09:45 PM
    I mean, imagine where we'd be if Steve Jobs didn't have the forsight to develop an Intel version of OS X from the very beginning, 6 years ago?
    Or, that Jobs had the foresight not to kill the x86 build of NextStep when he renamed it OSX.

    They didn't create an x86 port, they simply maintained the x86 support when they added PPC support and the rest of OSX

    Just like Microsoft for years maintained the PowerPC support in NT - which made it very easy to put a PPC chip in the Xbox 360.

    2007 looks like it's definitely going to be the year of the Mac!
    Yes, the year when it can be proven that Macs are the same as the Dells and eMachines and Gateways and all the other systems from people who also glue Intel chips to a motherboard. :D

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  • iJawn108
    Sep 14, 05:09 PM
    The invitation suggests Aperture, but could it also be an extreme closeup of an isight camera on a black anodized MBP? ;) :cool: :D :eek: :confused:
    i honestly don't think they will pull the black(top model) stuff into the pro line.

    long hairstyles with bangs. Long Hairstyle with Bangs
  • Long Hairstyle with Bangs

  • robeddie
    Apr 25, 01:57 PM
    I love the way the Arn writes "the next revision of Apple's MacBook Pro line will utilize a new case design for the first time in several years."

    It's been a couple years. 2 years, 6 months to be exact. He writes as though this design has been around for like, forever!

    The previous aluminum design remained almost exactly the same (except for some almost inperceptable thinning when it became the MacPro) from Jan 2003 (the powerbook G4) to October 2008. 5 YEARS AND TEN MONTHS!

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  • long hairstyles with angs.

  • ikir
    Apr 20, 11:22 AM
    Paranoia.... or all users are secret spies!! WOW

    long hairstyles with bangs. Long Hairstyles With Bangs
  • Long Hairstyles With Bangs

  • Squonk
    Oct 27, 02:08 PM
    I'm all for protecting the environment, but sometimes it gets out of hand. Greenpeace should be there, but it is evident that Apple is already working on being more environmentally friendly. Greenpeace should have been kicked out for violating their contract.

    +1 for Apple


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  • Tags: Long Hair Styles

  • Creibold
    Sep 5, 06:55 PM
    Apple will release new iPods AND a movie store on the same day that nintendo releases the black DS lite for the states?

    Go-go gadget debit card.

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  • needthephone
    Sep 27, 07:13 AM
    I thought 3G was the coming thing? I am on 3 in OZ and now Vodaphone, Telstra and Optus have all gone 3G- GSM seems a bit old hat doesn't it?


    Also comapnies like 3 are trying to compete by offering downloadable songs as a part of their service how will apple deal with this - surely comapnies like 3 won't offer apple phones??

    No offence to the US (after all you give us apple , MS, Google ) but whenever I go there I am taken aback at how dated the "cell" (as they still call them there) phone networks are over there compared to Europe or even OZ

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  • twostep665
    Apr 4, 12:12 PM
    Yes, they were running away and unarmed. Read the article before making such an idiotic post.

    If they were running away and unarmed then the security guard was in the wrong.

    Tennessee v Garner says that you cannot shoot an unarmed fleeing felon in the back.

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  • Top 10 Long Hairstyles

  • deputy_doofy
    Sep 14, 11:02 AM
    Dell currently quotes 9-22. Or did yesterday when I placed an order.

    Just checked again. It does appear that laptops are ready to go on 9-22, 9-25, and 9-27, depending on which model and size. Still, that gives Apple some "breathing room" to release theirs.

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  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Sep 5, 03:22 PM
    I have 3 predictions:
    Movie Story
    Updated Airport w/ video
    One More Thing: Mac Media Center/Hub

    long hairstyles with bangs. Long hairstyle with angs.
  • Long hairstyle with angs.

  • felt.
    Apr 4, 11:50 AM
    ****** buzz.

    Sep 14, 09:29 AM
    What is it with some of you guys? Does hope spring eternal, or what!

    Apple could be at a medical convention to promote the new artificial Apple iHeart and some of you would be jumping up and down screaming: "Yahoo, this means MBP updates".

    What's with us? We want C2D MBP's. That's all.

    Though I'm very interested to see what's going to be announced at this event, outside of MBP's.

    Aug 23, 07:00 PM
    Who says Creative was going broke?

    They have been around a long time and seem to be doing better than ever.

    I'd hardly call a http://www.macdailynews.com/index.php/weblog/comments/8356/95% drop in profits "doing better than ever."

    Despite MP3 players that offered more, Creative was on a downward spiral. Now they become a sheep following the iPod shepherd and Apple wins the battle.

    Apr 4, 12:23 PM
    I'm amazed that so many people are basing their judgment of the "head shot" on 3rd person shooter games and CSI. In the real world, anyone with training will always be aiming for the center of mass, and where he actually hits depends more on luck than anything else.

    In other words, just because the criminal was hit in the head, doesn't mean that the security guard was aiming for his head. A mall security guard with a pistol shooting at a moving target during a gunfight doesn't have the accuracy of a Marine sniper shooting a sniper rifle at a stationary target.

    THANK YOU! It is hard enough making a head shot from 15 yards on the pistol range!

    Apr 25, 12:15 AM
    Out in my neck of the woods we have a pretty well strapped police dept and they DO respond to 911 calls about drunk drivers. In fact, in Cali there's signs all over the place telling you to call 911 to report them. lol :)

    Glad I don't live where you do :P

    Ok, it's obvious you're very confident behind the handling abilities of your car, so hear me out:

    * What kind of car is it
    * When was the last time you checked your brakes
    * How old are your tires, what kind are they, and when was the last time you checked the tire pressure - what was it?
    * When was the last time you inspected your tire treads and suspension

    I hope you can answer some of these questions.

    Admittedly, if you don't do any of the above your car might be unsafe at any speed.

    Apr 14, 02:48 PM
    But FW isn't mac only by choice or need. Abit, Asus, Gigabyte and others all offers boards with FW. It was a common feature for motherboard manufacturers for some time. Will TB be included in their low end boards? More then likely not but from mid tier to high end boards will have it.This sadly reinforces the "enthusiast" market looking for features.