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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Recruitment Posters Ww1

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  • erikistired
    Sep 19, 05:02 PM
    As I stated in a few posts up I'm not that happy with the pricing of the iTunes Movies, but, if I were to buy any I would quickly run into a huge problem - STORAGE! I have an iBook with 60 GB drive and it's almost full from other stuff.

    Apple should come out with a home storage network server with RAID, etc.

    that's my hold back right now. i just don't have space for movies on my powerbook, and putting them on external media wouldn't make sense, at that point i could just toss a dvd or two in my backpack.

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • cere
    Apr 14, 12:20 PM
    Err... no.
    Same reply as previous quote. Exactly what do you think that article is telling you?

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  • FloatingBones
    Apr 20, 10:00 AM
    This is a huge concern because of the use by law enforcement (http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20055431-1.html) of the Cellebrite device to download and scrutinize the data in cell phones. Apparently, police departments in Michigan are using this device when pulling drivers on traffic violations. Here (http://www.thenewspaper.com/news/34/3458.asp) is another article on the use in Michigan.

    Cellebrite's widget is apparently able to download and scrutinize (http://www.cellebrite.com/news-and-events/press-releases/190-cellebrite-releases-ufed-physical-analyzer-version-20-the-new-standard-for-mobile-phone-forensics-.html) the data from a vast variety of mobile devices, including Blackberry phones and the iPhone.

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  • MBPro825
    Apr 10, 01:20 PM
    Obviously McAfee has a vested interest is spewing "fear FUD" such as this. :rolleyes:

    Interesting isn't it how McAfee could benefit from these "New security threats"

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  • Drag'nGT
    Apr 30, 02:02 PM
    For the Thunderbolt external drive discussion. What's the point of a fast connection on a rotational HDD and especially if the connection from the primary source (internal HDD) is slower than the external interface?

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  • Number 41
    Dec 30, 09:55 AM
    At least be honest with the headline:

    McAfee Hopes 2011 Brings Reason for iUsers to own McAfeee Products

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • Chundles
    Sep 1, 07:01 AM
    You know this for certain????

    Last year Apple did the exact same thing sneaking out faster G4's with more vram in the Mac mini line.

    Everyone and their pet rumor site is expecting upgrades. We weren't expecting across the board superdrives. I now am.

    Personally i'd trade that superdrive for GMA965 with x3000 graphics, but thats about as likely before MWSF07 as a bullet proof string vest.


    I;;,m drunkn as a skunk. I know evderything for certain.

    Last silent upgrades were very small. if this isn't a mistake is a massive upgrade.

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  • Ieo
    Apr 4, 11:55 AM
    Eh....While I make a terrible liberal because I believe gun control isn't a big issue, there IS such a thing as a lost cause, and that people usually get what they deserve.... I also make a terrible conservative in that I don't think a mall cop should be carrying a ****ing firearm, nor should he be going for a killing shot- shoulder/leg at MOST. And anyway, from the sound of it, they weren't even in the store yet- they were still in the process of breaking in. REAL police are hesitant to fire upon a fleeing suspect, why the **** is a mall cop shooting people in the head who are running away without any stolen property? Answer: Because he's not a real police officer and he shouldn't be carrying a ****ing firearm. Sounds like this will be hitting the courtrooms.


    They've updated the post since I posted that...The suspects were armed and firing, so I retract the bit about shooting a fleeing suspect. I'm still not comfortable with a mall cop carrying lethal force....there are plenty of less-than-lethal options out there.

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • shecky
    Sep 14, 10:14 AM
    Not happening on the 24th fo any reason - photo, computer, or other wise.

    you can feel free to go ahead and explain yourself in your next post instead of just mindlessly making statements with nothing to back them up. thanks.

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • spicyapple
    Oct 12, 06:14 PM

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • DrFrankTM
    Sep 16, 12:43 AM
    Just a quick thought... It's been mentioned in other threads, but I really think the camera has to be able to swivel in some way if we want to be able to take pictures of stuff in front of us while looking at the screen, and have video chats too (during which you want the camera and the screen to both be facing you). I don't recall seeing decent mock-ups that address this issue.

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Skull Leader
    Sep 5, 09:46 AM
    My Predictions:

    1) Apple Movie Store, probably with a limited scope, but a start.

    2) New Apple Airport Express Base station that streams video content as well as music.

    3) New Apple Cinema Displays that have built in wireless to interact with 2) above as well as your computer...You heard it here first. ;)

    HOPING for the eagerly awaited Apple media centre/PVR thingie...but doubt it. :( If this replaces 2) with an added hard drive and DVD burner I will go crazy.

    Skull Leader.

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • Sodner
    Apr 20, 10:51 AM
    Eh. Not that big of a deal as far as I'm concerned. It's a tracking file on my phone copied to my computer. I have plenty more to worry about like bank or CC info then my exact location at a given moment.

    Hey everybody, I'm at work in Cranberry, PA right now! :eek:

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • jason221
    Apr 25, 05:28 PM
    I wish they would release it before September 28... I'd rather wait for the new design but college starts this fall so that's not an option. Oh well.

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • 7on
    Sep 13, 08:24 AM
    This is the first time I've thought about getting an iPod since the 4G.

    First time I've thought about getting an iPod since the 2G

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  • the future
    Sep 12, 03:09 PM
    Can sombody explain the following:

    "old" 5G 30 GB: music playback 14 h, video playback 2 h.
    "new" 5G 30 GB: music playback STILL 14 h, video playback ALMOST DOUBLED at 3.5 h.

    :confused: :confused: :confused:

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • twoodcc
    Sep 19, 10:55 PM
    well i must say that i'm very impressed with the success so far. maybe we'll start seeing more movies

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • lsvtecjohn3
    Apr 28, 03:22 PM
    Sad day for dem boys in Redmond

    Recruitment Posters Ww1. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • locust76
    Apr 28, 03:28 PM
    inb4 *****storm

    Apr 25, 09:06 AM
    I'm just wondering if anyone can help me reassure my mother that she'll get out of a parking ticket that we got tonight.

    We were going out to dinner, and we parked in a handicap spot in downtown ann arbor (we were parallell parking). The sign wasn't clearly visible, so we didn't put up my grandmother's handicap sign in the windshield (she was with us). When we came back from dinner, my Mom found a nice $100 parking ticket on the windshield (her first in 24 years) because there was no handicap sign. So here's my question, she should get out of it if she goes down to the police station with my grandma and my grandma's handicap sign, right? She convinced that that won't work, but I think it will. Any opinions?



    Good luck with reporting my plates. I've done that to drunk drivers before, the 911 operator has told me "We're sorry sir, we cannot divert officers based on heresy." Also, see above: My uncle is the traffic court judge in the jurisdiction where I did this, good luck getting a ticket to stand.

    EDIT: @mrsirs2009 - No I actually just felt like going fast.

    Listen you're not going to beat me with legal antics. My mother is a senior partner at the largest law firm in Michigan. I've grown up in legal libraries and in courtrooms watching her. You're lie detector statement is total BS. Lie detectors are not admissible in a court of law; also a court can not compel someone to take a polygraph. My previous history would be easily disputed. There were no witnesses present (besides my mother) when I was highbeaming her and laying on my horn. There were however cars present when she brakechecked me. There was one car present when I brakechecked her, but not when I cut her off. The simple fact is that I plan these things out in order to reduce my legal exposure, and increase the other person's legal exposure, in case there were to be an accident/law suit.

    Go ahead and call me twisted for giving people what they deserve. It amazes me how such little things tick people off.


    I thought your mom is a senior partner at the largest law firm in Michigan and your uncle is the traffic court judge ? :D

    Sep 12, 04:46 PM
    The way I understood, it was capable of playin that resolution in mp4, but not when using AVC/H.264...Right. Mac res for H.264 WAS 320x240 way too small - only the iPod screen res. So H.264 was unpopular because of this limit. Now if the res limit works on teh existing base of 5G 1st gen Video iPods this is HUGE and changes the game completely. See above I am testing this theory now and will report on the result in about a half hour.

    Sep 19, 01:34 PM
    I wonder if these people are buying one to "test it out" or are buying multiple movies.

    Oct 12, 01:41 PM
    Please CAN IT!

    CAN IT!

    My god we cant talk about anything on this board without the core 2 duo macbook/pro crew coming to mess up a thread THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH LAPTOP UPDATES

    CAN IT!

    mmm.. Red merom macbooks?


    Apr 22, 08:55 AM
    I do not think that is the plan. I believe the service will allow you to download your songs as well. It just gives you the option to go to the cloud if / when needed.

    Exactly how I see it. An easy way to get at your media from devices like an iPhone or iPad when you're away from your main computer... Stream it, or download and keep local.