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Saturday, May 21, 2011

selena gomez ellen dress

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  • Chundles
    Apr 3, 05:04 AM
    Recent files now show in the Dock menu of closed and open apps (not sure if this is new), clicking show recents shows them as tiles like as in DP1


    Spotlight has smaller icons and Google and Wikipedia (been mentioned), but now has dictionary meanings again and the pronunciation


    Directory Utility now has an editor which is like OS X Server's Workgroup Manager. presumably as Server will be included now.

    - can press ctrl+up again to close Mission Control, doesnt work with ctrl-down for Expos� app windows though
    - the Sites folder in home is gone (Apache and Web Sharing still there though)

    overall things just seem a little quicker, animations are smoother and getting less Dock, SystemUIServer & Finder crashes. still a few crashes and UI bugs around the place.

    If you scroll up over the icon of a closed app in the dock you see thumbnails of those recent files. Pretty cool.

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 22, 05:51 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    I don't mind. Location is not so important.

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  • emotion
    Nov 27, 05:25 PM
    The competitors all use the exact same component as the Apple display even the same model number LCD from the same supplier the difference is the certification process the apple goes through for there color no difference in hardware just a procedure that is run.

    I'm sure you still haven't read this yet:


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  • drewyboy
    May 2, 04:47 PM
    No, Microsoft have not got it right. There should be not need for a specific tool to uninstall applications. applications should be self-contained and be deletable with the press of a button�

    Amen my brother!!! Preach it!

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  • lordonuthin
    Mar 23, 09:22 PM
    Haha. I wanted the 2.66 octo but couldn't justify the price jump (and still somehow managed to justify the quad-to-octo jump, but that's another story). Of course my times tend to deviate, during the days it's just under 33 minutes but now and then a bit of Aperture work comes in and needs CPU attention.

    I haven't noticed that bigadv units do not restart. Mine seem to restart just fine the few times I've shut FahCore down, continuing from the same frame. Does it affect the points awarded or so? Good thing I can usually bunch in the updates, last time it was a few software updates and a third HDD :rolleyes:

    I wanted the top octo but couldn't justify it :D I had never had anything but the lowest Powermacs (G3 & G5) or, cough, Performa, so I splurged.

    The bigadv units NEVER restart on my machine :mad: it only affects the points to the extent that I'm restarting from zero and not where I was at oh say 90 percent or something. I will work on consolidation as soon as I have my Victory Vegas (http://www.polarisindustries.com/en-us/Victory-Motorcycles/2010/Pages/Find-Your-Model.aspx) with new paint back together :p:p it's an 04 with silver goldish paint and a 1500 cc engine :cool:

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  • showtunes
    Jan 12, 12:47 AM

    Let's just keep it simple. Here are the two things that are in the air:

    1. WIMAX type wireless for MacBook Pros
    2. The ability to sync your iPod and iPhone without a cable

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  • islanders
    Jan 2, 08:42 AM
    Have you guys seen how small the Nano is? It is very simple interface. I could see this being incorporated into a phone and still be very simple interface, small, and useful.

    Some people would want an everything device for the subway or those times when your stuck in line, traffic or whatever.

    I think a lot of these extra features are more of an added value that don�t compromise the primary function.

    Who knows some kind of voice recognition text messaging, do everything device that as small as an iPod.

    Is it going to happen? Probably not. But this is fun part, and with Apple anything is possible.

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  • shabbasuraj
    Oct 23, 09:18 AM
    Tuesday is the day.

    I think it is for real.


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  • GregA
    Dec 30, 12:03 AM
    it seems like most people are dying for HD over here. <snip> I don�t think anyone anticipated the demand for HD. People watch programs they normally wouldn�t if it�s HD.It's possible to both be quite right here. HD is underestimated, but having greater demand than expected is a separate issue to overall market size.

    Anyway, as you say... there are 2 separate markets - the 2 evolutions of PayTV are "on demand", and HD (or both together). People who have invested in a top notch TV will easily pay for HD players (like an iTV-HD). Others may just want to watch what they want, when they want it.

    If Apple only releases a HD system, and it costs a premium, I won't end up buying it. I'd be paying for a premium that I couldn't take advantage of. And besides, at the moment the iTS sells 640x480 anyway.

    Digital 480p isn�t bad, but it�s 4:3 aspect.Really, is that what you're doing in the US?

    We've got Digital 576i in Australia as our standard definition, but it's in the 16:9 aspect ratio. Apple can choose whatever combination they want, I'm sure.

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  • 840quadra
    Nov 28, 01:32 PM
    I have faith that the Zune will do better, based upon the installed base of Xbox users in the world. All it will take is some killer Xbox linked feature that either takes advantage of, or can be somehow linked to the Zune.

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  • FireStar
    Oct 9, 06:43 PM
    The hexgrip cases look slick. http://stores.ebay.com/Cimo-Cases/Soft-Gel-Cases-/_i.html?_fsub=2283659015&_sid=192097565&_trksid=p4634.c0.m322 i like the material as well.
    Kinda a ridiculous price for a generic case.

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 6, 08:41 PM
    wow, that's some bold statements by Apple. i'm sure that they'll back them up though

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  • pimjai
    Sep 18, 03:36 AM
    are there any sleeves yet?

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  • miniroll32
    Jun 24, 07:47 AM

    the iMacPadPodPhoneMiniNano-S

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  • jgould
    Feb 27, 06:58 PM

    What did you unplug before taking the picture? :o

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 22, 09:51 AM
    Why would Apple release an iMac refresh a couple of months before a new OS debuts? Also, this would be the FASTEST REFRESH IN APPLE HISTORY at 9 months.

    You all fell for the hype and made Bri@n T0ng (eat that SEO) and Sea-NET advertising revenue. :rolleyes:

    Not correct. Since the launch of Intel iMacs there have been three occasions when refreshes are shorter than 9 months so it's not unprecedented. What would be unprecedented would be simultaneous release of hw and sw so that is unlikely.

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  • wordoflife
    Nov 26, 05:44 PM
    Swatch New Gent "black Rebel"


    Where did you buy that watch and for how much? I really like it :o


    Last purchase:


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  • kenzbud
    Aug 16, 07:20 AM
    I hope to god they don't use bluetooth. I've had nothing but bad sound quality with those types of headphones.

    Knowing Apple, if they are going in introduce wifi/bluetooth, they will only add the feature if it is up to their standards.

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  • Statusnone88
    Oct 3, 08:21 AM
    I picked up this griffin outfit gloss for my girlfriends ipod touch that I bought her two days ago and the thing scratched the PISS out of the back when we went to peel it off.

    Is the Griffin Reveal any different then that? it's about the same in price but it's not 100% polycarbonate.

    Just really looking for something... anything to put on this thing until speck comes out with something decent.

    Sep 6, 07:39 AM
    Pricing Now Starts at Just $999; New 24-inch Model Added

    Apr 9, 10:25 PM
    I don't remember what I learned on. :confused: But I can drive a stick on both sides of the road (U.S./England/Japan). When I married my wife she could not drive a stick and that is all we had, a 1975 Fiat Spyder. We lived on a hill in California. When she first started driving it, she would back out of the driveway and all the way down to the bottom of the hill before taking off back up the hill. She does much better now. :D

    Spanky Deluxe
    Sep 6, 10:54 AM
    Thank God I sold my mini three days ago. It was a Core Duo 1.66Ghz with 1GB RAM. Luckily the buyer's already payed and I'm on my way to the post office now. Phew!!

    Mar 30, 08:39 PM
    Launchpad is now fixed.. Click and hold to move multiple apps (shakes like iPhone)

    When launching expose dock doesn't crash any more...

    Much snappier in performance

    Has anyone noticed when shutting down the menu bar up top stays into the blue screen?
    Also has anyone noticed that spot light doesn't show apps anymore?

    So does the Launchpad have an easy way to remove icons yet?

    Feb 21, 04:02 PM
    Anyway, on topic, setup. The Macbook is nearing retirement. Bonus points if you know what film that is on the screen (I just did an analysis of the score for my Film Music class at Uni).

    No idea what film that is, but I do spy Handbrake on the MacBook, which looks identical to the one that I just retired. My optical drive in that machine was starting to go, I think. Only thing I've used the one in the new MacBook Pro for is to reinstall the OS after I got it...