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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

world map with countries and states

world map with countries and states. countries,world map states
  • countries,world map states

  • Macnoviz
    Oct 12, 02:32 PM
    No, not like that at all. That one hurts my eyes. I mean there's one on there that's like the one I commented on, but same color clickwheel. Like this:


    I don't know, it looks kinda pink, I would like to see it darker, blackisher (not Burgundy, mind you)

    world map with countries and states. World+map+with+countries+
  • World+map+with+countries+

  • rtharper
    Sep 14, 09:59 AM
    Why do people seem convinced Apple won't release something like an SLR or video camera?

    Because, AFAIK, there's no market for a "Think Differently" camera. A professional photographer doesn't need a camera to match their MacBook Pro, they want one that was made by a pro camera maker.

    world map with countries and states. world map with countries and
  • world map with countries and

  • jjgb
    Oct 12, 10:39 PM
    Just uploaded a photo I took today of the 5th Av. Apple Store red logo. Check it out here: Red logo @ Apple Store 5th Av. (http://jj.gbtopia.com/blog/2006/10/12/red-logo-ny-apple-store-5th-av/)

    world map with countries and states. world map with countries and
  • world map with countries and

  • whatever
    Oct 12, 02:31 PM
    "Empathy" is a four-letter word in America, sadly.
    I must be wearing my RED-WHITE-Blue boxers today or something, but how can you make a comment like that.

    The noun meaning for empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

    Do you honestly believe that Americans do not practice this.

    Are we a perfect people. No, but who is. I think at the end of the day we do more good than bad.

    world map with countries and states. images,world map states
  • images,world map states

  • callme
    Mar 29, 01:03 PM
    I use both.... and all I can say is "CUT and paste". Windows has had it for years, OS X SL doesn't. Same with window snap.

    I love OS X, but, like with a lot of Apple products, its the "little things" that matter...

    Both are great operating systems, and I will continue to use both since I cannot run Visual Studio on Mac, or XCode on Windows... :)

    It does have CUT and Paste.

    Command-X = Cut
    Command-P = Paste
    Command-C = Copy

    world map with countries and states. World+map+with+countries+
  • World+map+with+countries+

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 12:42 PM
    What a bunch of winey gun-control people in here, the only down side was that the other two involved weren't shot and killed now they get to cost the tax payers more money in court. :rolleyes:

    you're quite the hero. :rolleyes:

    world map with countries and states. mar names,world map
  • mar names,world map

  • ksz
    Jul 14, 11:40 AM
    I have overclocked. My point is that someone buying a Professional Workstation and trying to overclock it is childish.
    Overclocking has its uses, but I tend to agree that for most business applications, overclocking is frowned upon. I will not overclock a processor on a system I am spec'ing for a customer because it is a form of gambling. When you have to meet MTBF requirements, you tend to be conservative and cautious.

    world map with countries and states. (8 countries, 4%). World map
  • (8 countries, 4%). World map

  • maclaptop
    Apr 28, 03:29 PM
    It's a great result!

    History in the making.

    Cheers To The "Kids" from Cupertino :)

    Woz will be proud.

    world map with countries and states. countries,world map states
  • countries,world map states

  • gugy
    Sep 19, 03:13 PM
    Neither -- My download on my 4MB cable connection (real speed) took about 50 minutes AND the quality was outstanding on my 30" cinema display -- looked the same as DVD to me. No defects, no artifacts. Crisp Color.

    I will order again. Way nicer than storing DVD's.

    Good to know.
    I am still skeptical. I rather by a DVD and use handbrake to have it on my itunes. But I think is great to know that the movie store is there if you want it soon without the hassle of ripping from DVDs into itunes.

    world map with countries and states. World+map+with+countries
  • World+map+with+countries

  • gerlitzappel
    Oct 27, 07:41 PM
    Just for the record, I hate greencepeace and everything they stand for.

    world map with countries and states. World+map+with+countries+
  • World+map+with+countries+

  • Multimedia
    Sep 13, 08:11 AM
    Does anyone know how to get into the quick search on the 5G iPods? I updated mine with the 1.2 software but I only see the quick scrolling letter thing.Pretty sure Quick Search Is Only On New 5.5G iPods. :(

    world map with countries and states. World+map+with+countries+
  • World+map+with+countries+

  • spine
    Sep 14, 06:54 AM
    I think its very telling that Jobs closed the Showtime event by saying:

    "Apple is in your den, living room, car, pocket. I think you see where we are going with this."

    Is he saying that Apple's plan is to be everywhere?
    Probably, and a cell phone certainly completes that plan.

    world map with countries and states. world map european countries.
  • world map european countries.

  • str1f3
    Nov 13, 03:19 PM
    In a sense, yes. The rules for iPhone development are different than for Mac OS X. I may not always agree with it but there you have it. :)

    The problem is that they have broken no rules. The data being sent to display the images is coming from the Mac. Rogue Amoeba is following the rules of the SDK.

    world map with countries and states. All countries, also map is
  • All countries, also map is

  • JMP
    Apr 30, 06:55 PM
    Can't wait to see what they come out with. Will the displays ramp up resolution and diminish in size? Will there be a scaled down iMac? (doubtful) Will some other advances accompany Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt?

    I saw a two-year-old behave like that once... before getting his face smacked.

    Very intelligent response.

    Give it a shot pal.

    world map with countries and states. World map:
  • World map:

  • paradox00
    Apr 15, 04:58 PM
    You have to admit this thread is really funny.

    How many times have we heard Apple lovers say it's not all about "specs" and the general public are not interested in "specs" and rubbish others when they say how much better spec their PC might be.

    And yet, now that Apple has the high specs, all of a sudden THIS IS the most important thing.

    No average consumer is ever going to notice the difference between USB3 and Thunderbolt, in fact USB3 will be better for the general user experience as it's backwards compatible.

    But now, sod the typical consumer, the only thing that matters now is specs.

    Oh, you have to laugh don't you :D

    It all makes sense when you realize the user experience provided by TB will be amazing. If you think TB is about replacing USB you haven't actually figured out what TB is and what it's designed to do.

    world map with countries and states. World Map of Countries with
  • World Map of Countries with

  • jesteraver
    Sep 10, 07:23 AM
    It seems Apple could just wait for Clovertown...


    which appears to be 2 Woodcrests on one processor. Could we see 8-Core Mac Pros' in 2007?


    More than likely. It will come with a price probably.

    world map with countries and states. Http forkids states printable
  • Http forkids states printable

  • thejakill
    Oct 27, 12:28 PM
    i think this whole environmental movement has been turned into a product. look at so-called environmentally-friendly cars (hybrids, flex fuel, etc). they're all using gas or resources in one way or another. but on the commercials you're told that by driving them, you're 'saving the earth'. it's all just a gimmick now.

    don't throw your old ipods or computers away. give them to poor people. that's what i've done.

    world map with countries and states. Continent map, blank map
  • Continent map, blank map

  • KPOM
    Apr 22, 11:50 AM
    Is this a true statement from the OP: "But with new Sandy Bridge processors from Intel sporting improved graphics performance"

    Improved when compared to the old Intel Integrated Graphics.

    then why did apple cripple the 13" macbook pro's with ****** resolution then?

    The resolution stayed the same on the 13" Pro. The 13" Air has a higher resolution, but perhaps that's to preserve a selling point. I don't think the Sandy Bridge IGP would have any difficulty driving the 1440x900 display.

    world map with countries and states. World Map With Countries: mm
  • World Map With Countries: mm

  • MacinDoc
    Sep 10, 09:57 PM
    According to the Page 2 Rumors there are some significant speed ups to OpenGL in the next update to 10.4 due to multithreading. Apple has had 4 processor systems for over a year now. I would think they have some ideas about how to make use of it.
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but it appears that the improvement was significantly overstated. Macrumors has now updated that thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=232126).

    Apr 30, 02:42 PM
    I have had my iMac for about 9 months.. looks like it will be going on Craigslist next week!! ;)


    Hey, where are you located and what are the specs? I might be interested...

    Sep 9, 11:32 AM
    You again with your ludicrous claims? What makes you think that Mac Pro is the fastest desktop there is? What is the secret ingredient that makes it faster than other machines, considering that it uses same components than others do? And since Mac Pro supports less RAM (16GB vs. 64GB) than Dell does (for example), how could you say that it's "the most powerful"? Compared to Dell, it will be dog-slow for tasks that require a lot of RAM.

    Now, I hate Windows and I use it at work because I have no choice. An there are plenty of bad things in it. But I don't get any BSODs. I really don't. Back when I used a desktop, I sometimes left the machine running for weeks and I had no problems.

    When was the last time you used Windows? Back in Windows ME-days?

    Seriously: I think you should take a chill-pill an dial-back that fanboyishness of yours.

    Evangelion, I was picking on Aiden (as I always do) and we are normally able to exchange silly arguments with no fighting...

    Could you just calm down and shut up for now? Really, go spend your posts on other people...no need to worry about my "fanboy" behavior...after all, this is a forum devoted to Mac fans and rumors...so please leave if you don't like it.

    Apr 19, 10:12 AM
    Minimum wage needs to be increased, national healthcare needs to be implemented and tax holes closed. This country would be in a lot better shape as far as it's lower classes go, imo.

    We need unions to protect people from abusive BS like this (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/12/walmart-contracted-warehouse-workers_n_848262.html). Either that or we just need to have a limit on how big a company can get before it has to become the property of the employees.

    My answer: Walmart needs to be destroyed.. and bringing their blood-thirsty corporation to their feet is what I have planned for them.

    Mar 30, 01:36 PM
    Yes, you know what an "app store" means if you know what an "app" means.

    Does an "app" mean an Apple program?

    It's doesn't matter what MS calls it. There's a class of programs everywhere called "applications". There's no other name for it.

    Applications are a strict subset of programs.

    So, here is an interesting argument, as app is short for Applications, and Applications are a strict subset of programs, doesn't the App Store technically sell Programs, not Apps? Thus, the term is no generic at all. "Program Store" would the generic term. It's the same as a club called "Liqueur Store" (which is TMed.)

    Jul 20, 11:27 PM
    You don't think Apple would get raked over the coals if they released towers that were slower than the last generation? Conroe is fast, but no way it beats a quad G5. And I don't think a promise of a quad machine later on helps public relations any.

    Also, doesn't the kentsfield have the same limitation as conroe? That you can only use it in single processor configs? A woodcrest chipset would have a longer life since you'd use the same one for multiple cloverton configs.

    Next gen, conroe gets you 2 cores, woodcrest gives you 2 chips for 4 cores.

    Gen after that, kentsfield gets you 4 cores, cloverton gets you 2 chips for 8 cores. There's room for both chipsets for at least the next two generations, and I wouldn't be surprised if it continues beyond that.Maybe I misunderstood your post, I thought you meant releasing conroe machines and not shipping quads until months later. If that were the case, people would inevitably compare the new towers to the G5 quads, regardless if they were intended to replace those models.

    I think the reason they haven't announced woodcrest towers is because they want to wait for WWDC, and because the line will be split between woodcrest and conroe. It wouldn't make sense to announce half the tower lineup, people would assume that was it and react accordingly.I believe this is the correct analysis. I am in full agreement with Milo. Good job M. :)